Share Your Paper Story – Nicole Provencher

Paper shreds in jar with water being poured in

Would you like to be featured in “Share Your Paper Story” on Arnold Grummer’s blog and receive a $15 Gift Card to use at Click here to fill out and submit the online survey! We look forward to learning more about you and your work!

Name and location

Nicole D Provencher-Natale in Ohio

What is a thing you love about paper and papermaking?

I have learned that making paper is not difficult and it is a lot of fun. There is room for experimentation, learning, and creativity.

Where do you make paper? Your kitchen? Basement? Outside? Somewhere else?

I make my paper in my home studio.

What are some things you like to do with your paper once it’s made? Cards? Crafts? Something else?

I use the paper to make handmade cards for donation to our local children’s hospital and for palliative care as well as in my own mixed media projects.

Tell us your favorite Arnold Grummer product and how you first learned about the company.

I learned about Arnold Grummer from online research. I currently own the PaperMill and PaperMill Pro, but see myself expanding soon.

Share a thought, bit of advice, or encouragement for someone interested in trying papermaking.

I found making paper with my children to be a fun experience. My daughter loved the tactile experience. We used the grass from her Easter basket to make sheets of paper together.

To check out more of Nicole’s work, follow her on Instagram @ohionicolecreates, on TikTok @ohionicole, and on her Youtube channel @ohionicolecreates.

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