Cotton Rag & Kona

Cotton Rag is a fiber papermakers have recycled for hundreds of years. The source of Arnold Grummer’s Cotton Rag Shred might be cotton cloth or a jean manufacturer’s trim. Sometimes it’s unsold cotton t-shirts from resale stores like Goodwill. KonaTM Shred Pulp is repurposed fiber from emptied coffee bean bags shipped to US roasters from S. America. KonaTM fiber is made into paper products for national coffee retailers lile Caribou Coffee.Note: Cotton Rag and KonaTM Pulps are not guarnteed to be blender friendly. Both are useful as an inclusion. Fibers added to pulp in the vat or deckle add dimension and thready texture to handmade paper. Click here to Read or Download BEATER INSTRUCTIONS for Cotton Rag Shred Pulp.